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Eye Center

9 Fun Eye Facts in Observance of World Sight Day

9 Fun Eye Facts in Observance of World Sight Day

October 10 marks World Sight Day, a global event dedicated to raising awareness about eye health, preventing blindness, the various diseases that affect our vision, and the effects those conditions can have on everyday life. The global observance day was launched by...

9 Critical Visual Skills for Student Athlete Success

9 Critical Visual Skills for Student Athlete Success

9 Critical Visual Skills Student Athletes Need to Perform Their Best It’s that time of year again! Back-to-school means back-to sports—and competition is ramping up for exciting seasons of football, soccer, baseball, basketball, golf, and tennis, plus any number of other individual and team sports that require talent AND good vision! Most sports are fast-moving, and the pace of action requires multiple demands on the eyes. Each of the visual skills listed below play an essential...

5 Causes and 6 Treatments for Digital Eye Fatigue

5 Causes and 6 Treatments for Digital Eye Fatigue

Do you find yourself staring at digital screens—computer monitors, cell phones, tablets, televisions—for most of the day? Are your eyes tired, red, or itchy? Are they dry or irritated? If you answered yes to these questions, it’s possible that you...

Celebrating the Rise of Women in Optometry

Celebrating the Rise of Women in Optometry

In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month. And we’re proud to say that optometry is one place women are making history. Did you know that optometry began as a predominantly male profession in the late 1800s, but today, women make up nearly half of all...

10 Ways To Minimize The Progression of Low Vision

10 Ways To Minimize The Progression of Low Vision

In February, we recognize Low Vision Awareness Month and the millions of Americans who live with the condition. Low vision is a term used to describe a visual impairment that cannot be corrected by standard glasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery. It often...

9 Strategies to Adapt to Life With Low Vision

9 Strategies to Adapt to Life With Low Vision

February is Low Vision Awareness Month, a time to increase awareness of this condition which affects millions of Americans each day. Low vision is the term for a visual impairment that cannot be corrected by standard glasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery....

3 Simple Metaphors To Explain Glaucoma

3 Simple Metaphors To Explain Glaucoma

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. It is a time to increase awareness of this group of diseases that are known as the “silent thief of sight” because they are painless and symptom-free. Glaucoma cannot be prevented, and though there are treatments, there...

How Your Eye Doctor Diagnoses Glaucoma

How Your Eye Doctor Diagnoses Glaucoma

Happy 2023! As you start the new year, it’s a common practice to assess what you’re most thankful for and consider goals and resolutions to guide you in the coming 12 months. If you’re fortunate enough to have healthy eyes and good vision, please...