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Eye Center

Flex 125 Spending Account Funds: Time to Use it Or Lose It

Flex 125 Spending Account Funds: Time to Use it Or Lose It

5 Scenarios To Avoid Next Year By Using Your Flex 125 Funds Today Why Your Flex Savings Account is a Tax Savings Superhero for Eyewear It’s the Holiday Season! Everywhere you look, there are decorations, lights, and people in good spirits! What a wonderful time of the year. And if you’re like most of us, it’s also a season when you try to make the most of every single one of your hard-won dollars. With holiday gifts to buy, parties to attend, and celebrations to plan, making...

Eye Safety at Home: Keep Your Family’s Vision Intact

Eye Safety at Home: Keep Your Family’s Vision Intact

Your home is your safe haven — or is it? About half of all eye injuries happen in and around your home! The good news? You can reduce your risk of eye injury by 90% by wearing protective eyewear. The bad news? Only three in ten people wear eye protection, even...

6 Eye Makeup Safety Tips For Healthy Eyes

6 Eye Makeup Safety Tips For Healthy Eyes

March is “Save Your Vision” month, encompassing every aspect of eye health. On a daily basis, you must protect your eyes from various potential hazards – UV rays from the sun, eyestrain from digital screens, and environmental hazards such as...

4 Questions About Age-Related Macular Degeneration

4 Questions About Age-Related Macular Degeneration

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)? Age-Related Macular Degeneration — called AMD for short — is an all-too-common eye disease that blurs central vision and can make it harder to drive, read, see faces or do “up-close” work. It is...

Low Vision: Who’s at Risk?

Low Vision: Who’s at Risk?

February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Low Vision Month. Many people aren’t sure what the definition of low vision is or how it manifests in patients’ lives. Let’s dive into low vision, explore its causes and symptoms, and discuss how...

Guard Your Vision: It’s Glaucoma Awareness Month

Guard Your Vision: It’s Glaucoma Awareness Month

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, which encourages us to start the year thinking about our precious sense of vision and how to safeguard it. Glaucoma is a thief – a silent “sight thief” associated with gradual and permanent vision loss caused by...